4 Reasons Why a Filter Change on Your Furnace Is More Important Than You Think

November 28, 2023

The filter on your furnace may not seem all that important, and you might easily forget about it. However, changing the filter on the schedule recommended by the furnace manufacturer is an essential home maintenance chore. Changing the filter is important for many reasons. Take a look at four of the reasons below.

1. A Clean Filter Improves Air Quality

The purpose of the furnace filter is to keep dust out of the furnace. It protects the furnace from dust accumulation, and by doing this, it can also keep dust out of circulation throughout your home. With less dust in the furnace, there is less dust in the ducts and less dust blowing into the air you breathe in your home.

Maintaining good air quality is important when you have a respiratory condition or allergies. A reduction in dust also makes it easier to keep your home clean since dust won’t build up as fast on shelves and other surfaces.

2. A Clean Filter Allows for Maximum Airflow

A serious problem with a filter that’s clogged and matted with dust is that the dust blocks airflow. It’s essential that your furnace has maximum airflow to operate properly. When airflow is reduced, less air blows out of the ducts, and that makes it more difficult for your furnace to keep you warm.

In addition to being chilly, you may have higher power bills to contend with if your furnace needs to run more to keep your home warm. Restricted airflow puts strain on your furnace, makes it operate inefficiently, and can even cause your furnace to shut down. Something as easy and simple as changing the furnace filter on time could make a big difference in your comfort and could help keep your energy bills under control.

3. A Clean Filter Protects the Furnace Parts

When air is pulled through the filter and into the furnace, it passes through the blower. The blower then sends this air into the ducts. If the filter is dusty, dust is pulled into the blower and deposited on the blower fan. Dust buildup makes the fan harder to spin, and that puts a strain on the fan motor. Dust buildup also blocks the fins on the blower wheel so the blower produces less air.

The blower is an essential part of a furnace since it must work properly to distribute heated air through your home. A clogged filter can put so much strain on the blower system that the motor burns out. The blower motor isn’t the only part that can malfunction due to a clogged filter, so keeping the filter clean helps you avoid unnecessary damage and the need for repairs.

4. A Clean Filter Prolongs Furnace Life

By changing the filter regularly throughout the life of your furnace, you’ll keep the furnace as clean as possible and reduce the risk of damage and repairs. By preventing strain on the parts over the years, your furnace could have a longer life and operate more efficiently. Changing the filter is a task you can do yourself. It’s often done monthly, and you must use the right type of filter.

Your furnace technician can show you how to change the filter and explain the type to buy. You may need to set a reminder for the frequency your filter needs to be changed so you don’t forget. If your furnace starts to act up, check the filter first. If you forgot to change it, putting in a new filter might help you prevent a service call just to change the filter.

If your furnace isn’t keeping your home as warm as it once did or if your energy bills are higher than they should be, contact Triangle Heating & Cooling. While changing the filter is important, so is regular furnace maintenance and repairs. We can identify the problem with your furnace and repair it so your home is warm and comfortable again.

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