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5 Ways to Prolong the Life of Your AC
An AC is a big investment, often costing homeowners $3,200 to $7,800 depending on the size, brand, SEER rating, and features. As such, you likely want the AC to last as long as possible so you get a return on investment. Accomplish this by investing in adequate AC...
3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in a New Forced-Air Furnace
Which forced-air furnace is the right choice for your home? Furnace shopping often requires professional help from a knowledgeable HVAC contractor. If you're not sure where to start, begin with a brief Q and A session. Before you buy a new heater or make major changes...
6 Tips For Ultimate Furnace Safety
A furnace provides an affordable and practical way to heat your home, but it can present some safety hazards such as causing fire or the risk of electrocution. If you already have a furnace in your home or are planning to install one, it's important to learn how to...
4 Signs You Need to Replace Your Thermostat
Like every other part of an HVAC system, thermostats can occasionally malfunction and will eventually need to be replaced. Knowing the signs that your thermostat is nearing the end of its life will allow you to replace it proactively before your HVAC system becomes...
Common AC Problems That Happen in the Summer
Since the summer heat can be unbearable, you should ensure that your AC works correctly before the warm months of the year arrive. Understanding common AC problems that happen during summer can help prepare for the most demanding AC season and detect when something is...
A Homeowner’s Guide to Air Conditioner Condensate Drain Lines
Many central air conditioning systems have a condensate drain line. You must keep this line clean and in good condition to keep your air conditioning system functioning properly. A drain line that doesn't work properly can cause your air conditioner to work less...
3 Exclusive Characteristics of an HVAC Service Program
Many HVAC businesses offer customers an HVAC service program. This helpful service allows clients to take advantage of perks and discounts not normally available otherwise. Most service programs are designed to cover maintenance and repairs, which ultimately extend...
A Faulty AC Capacitor: Everything You Should Know
A capacitor is a small cylindrical part of the AC which stores and delivers energy to the motor. When you turn the AC on, the capacitor transmits the motor's initial energy to start the air conditioner. It continues to deliver power to the unit until you switch it...
3 Ways HVAC Inefficiencies Cost You Money
Heating and cooling and AC units consume the largest percentage of electricity in homes. If the HVAC unit is not in optimal condition, it consumes more energy and is also ineffective in removing pollutants and odors. An inefficient HVAC unit not only puts your family...